I'm an old-timer (by virtue of comparison with those who undeniably young).
I was born in the 80's,
My mother was the vanguard of that 'Diana Ross season' ting (I will dash up a pic if necessary)
and I grew up watching Rosie and Jim and thundercat's (to name but a few TV shows).
As a child, I spent eons with my mum's tapes (doctored with tissue and tape, so they'd record) in the stereo, carefully recording songs I liked off the radio. By the time, I was 12 I'd meticulously constructed more compilations than I could possibly remember now.

Therefore it stands to reason that I feel saddened by the announcement that Sony will now discontinue production of this beautiful piece of technology. It's understandable that they'd choose to no longer make them, but at the same time anyone with any sense of respect will understand this sense of loss.
Sony Walkman, you nurture my love affair with music.
To me you are what Cupid looks like.
You're a Hip Hop Legend like 2pac or Biggie, an International Megastar like Michael Jackson.
Goodbye, Sony Walkman!!
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