It's the sleepy hours of the morning, otherwise known as 'Gangster Hours" (ominously named, I know), and I'm still awake, kinda feels like..

as in the actual sensation 'Deja-Vu' as opposed to the movie 'Deja-Vu', starring Denzel Washington. I'm not implying I either feel like Denzel Washington does in the film or real life, or that I resemble him in any way shape or form. I'm good looking, but girl's don't give me 'Denzel ratings'.
It's a good thing that they don't because, if they did right now I'd be with your sister. Yes I do mean...
your sister... regardless of who you are!
Her and a noice looking chunky bredrin, would be in nothing but underwear and weave-on's...
Wrestling in a blow-up paddling pool, filled with baby-oil.
And seeing as it's a BizzyNESS as usual ting, I'd have to be wearing a kufi...
like nas,
or this Nigerian Elder.
I'd let it go on a little while before jumpping to intervene, and show them about.... 'Makin love, not war' ... ¬_¬
Truth be told, I'm quite a simpleton. Given grandeur and the accompanying finances, there's the danger I might squander them on...
pretty trinkets, and shiny ornamentations. Looking like 'one of them geezers'.
I'm playing atill, truth is i'm humble, it's late and I jsut decided to give myself jokes with google imagesearch!
Furthermore, it seems, that I digress...
Furthermore, it seems, that I digress...
It's like waay to late/early, for me not to be in bed.
As usual i've been kept awake by the fact that my mind
is over-active and brimming with ideas, lyrics
is over-active and brimming with ideas, lyrics
and all the other mental activity that keep's one such as myself awake.
Good Morning people!!
I'm going to sleeep!
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