Tuesday, 30 November 2010

I Didn't win...

Its a bag of coal ting!! Obviously I just haven't been good enough!

Well well well... it's all good, to tell the truth I feel relatively unscathed and ready to deal with the next phaze!!

I'm more upset that the weather outside is myth status... 

People there is actually  
Xenophopic Pneumonia falling from the sky

The moment I encountered the view from my window this morning I jumped backwards slamming the curtain shut and swivelling in mid-air (thats a lie, it was more mid-bedding) to turn the fan-heater on, there was so much snow the 1st word out of my mouth was KURWA!!!

I'm prepared for this climate of terrorism still lol I'm soo strapped right now - Halogen heater, Fan Heater, hot water bottle, head scarf... man like me are two jumpers!!!

The weather ain't playing, so neither am I!!

I really wanna change my wallpaper...

I reckon its starting to look sloppy!

This blogger ting has been having me up for weeks can't use the template editor (and my html programming is so rusty), I can't even see my stats lol

without being able to see my stats this is pretty much blogging in the dark! 
I dunno what anyone reading thinks at the best of times lol!!

Monday, 29 November 2010

Xmas come early...

Well maybe not Xmas...

as I'm 'one of them people'

Alas, I digress,
let me get to the point!

A couple of weeks ago, I started a funding application for Start up smart (my names there on the shortlist!)
and I'll know what the end result is... finally. Really, I'm so happy too have got this far, so no matter what 
happens tomorrow is Xmas come early for me - 
the question is, am I dancing in the street??
or is it a bag of coal ting??

I shall play wait and see!!!


Its not that...

Remember I told you that...
as an 'Afro-Caribbean' I find snow to be racist. 
It's simply eevel...

I tried (at length) to explain this to my girl Jess just the other day,
and after ages she still didn't get how I came up with the notion that Snow is racist... 

was the answer I eventually shouted out.

Thus, it makes sense that I (as I do, year on year) would declare snowball attacks upon myself, liable to extremely disproportionate responses.
Put simply I don't think snow is a game, therefore I will act accordingly where necessary.

Seeing as Snow is already racist - a snowball is akin to a flying...
I haven't been hit with one in ages, but from what I remember; 
It's like a big cold ball of 'go home darkie' hitting you in the side of your face, like every racial slur ever uttered condensed into an orb of 'fuck the melanin in your epidermis fam' that hits you and leaves you profoundly aware of your existence in an alien environment.

I'm not being over dramatic,
I swear to you. 

If i get touched by a snowball i'm going straight AMERICAN President,
'hangtite' (no typo... that is how you spell it) everyone who thinks its a joke,
if i'm throwing back it's either gonna have shrapnel inside like a grenade, or i'm dousing the snowball and sending you back a 'molotov' one.

Snow is both racist and more effective/intimidating than the BNP, the very thought of it is synonomous with the pain from watching 

I remember as a child.

I'm as serious as flesh eating bacteria people
Test me and it something different

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Rioting Season!?

I do believe I may have stepped into a parallel universe...
How is it that the 'ConDem' government continue to take giant scissors (scissors seemingly crafted of the smelted silver spoons of many a toff ) to the budget of this country, ultimately tearing up the finances of the have nots??

How is it that at the same time as we hear of a royal wedding (or two) looming...
Will looks like he's got that Kush

The rest of my peer group (and those that fall into similar class/financial classification) are fighting...

so that they don't have to pay the cost of the generation before them.

Truly, it's not fair! The problems with the economy come from people who are (and still will be) ultimately better off! Whilst the media beams us images of the 'Royal heir to colonial bloodmoney and ill-gotten gains' happily gallivanting around,
We are fighting not to be at the rough end of 
the 'City of God style dystopian future' that is promised to us...

One things for sure, we as a generation won't take the par lightly... 
If it comes to a fight we won't pull our punches,
We will fight not to have our inheritance taken.

From the moment I heard the hug a hoodie campaign I made sure I only bought ones with zip pockets, David Camerons a thief. Bless, I'm out!!

Big Mouth Strikes Again init...

Excuse my yiddish,
but are you f*cking mwad!?!? 
Do people not realise...


We're THAT team now 

Friday, 19 November 2010

Business Plan, DONE!!!

and furthermore,

Right now 'man like me' feel large!!

For the moment,  
I will say no more!!

Monday, 15 November 2010

Friday, 5 November 2010

Post 100 deserves to be...




I won't lie... 
I've in the past said "Why doesn't Skepta just sticky to producky tho",
I must state at this point, that such an utterance was borne out of preference for
his beats rather than any disdain towards his 'micmanship' 
(from meridian walk to all of the different DTI versions).
That day, when I first heard Skepta say 'diss my choon'
I honestly thought, 'Stop being silly B, who disses your choons?!?'
Furthermore, I thought he was merely playing, playing with MC'ing...

I had obviously spoken too soon,

He was being deadly 'Serious!'

Obviously both Adenuga's greet each day "Kilonshile!? How far now!?!?" 
because the amount of movement and consistency shown by both is inspirational,
with far less comprimising on the 'Grime' side of things, might I add.

Emerging artists should take note,
the Boy Better Know greenandwhiteprint looks both sturdy and viable.
I hope they will achieve the level's the deserve, and recognise Skepta
as capable of bringing this scene to prominence
without diluting it's potency...



How could you not rate Skepta?

vi veri veniversum vivus vici

I just watched V for Vendetta, and I must inform you that it has lost neither poignancy nor potency since the last time I saw it.

In the stead of an increasingly large amount of scare-tactic orientated government rhetoric, it does feel more and more like the ConDem's are attempting to manipulate us. Personally, I never trusted David Cameron, the whole "hug a hoody" campaign, since then I've made sure my hoodies have zip pockets, and the word 'conservative' has become synonymous with 'thief'.

In my experience, someone with so many sticky-fingered tendancies and such an obviously forked tongue should be monitored very closely. 
You never know what he's gonna try next!

Anyways, here goes that V for Vendetta speech...

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. 
The only verdict is vengence; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Remember, Remember...

 the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
It's The  5th of November again and a brilliant time for us to be reminded of the efforts of a man such as 'Guy Fawkes'

I Have it on Good Authority that....

God doesn't like...


Another 'Monster' It's always ironic still, 
every now and then, one of these cases pop-up and shake society into a state of hysteria,
(even though society lives in a state of perpetual hysteria) 

"Omg,.. it's not just hideous men that abuse children, eevel women do it too!?" 
cries the 'Common Consensus',
as it rushes to find both reason and solution for the new perversion of civic society,
that has just reached visibility.

Society definitely has it's major problems, and although I will try not to drown you in dialogue...

Two things I will say are this: 

A) All of the cosy idea's of who does what crime and who perpetuates what moral ills mean nothing in the real world.

B) Ill-conceived idea's of how to weed out such dangers aren't likely to help. Banning Mobile phone's from Nurseries is a backward step in terms of risk-aversion, for it will remove the expedient communication provided by such devices. Whether it be inside the actual schooling setting or on the road (where field trips etc take place), I fear that the lack of a Mobile Phone is more likely to put children at risk than protect them. Furthermore, the lack of such equipment doesn't mean such abuse will not take place, it will simply make it less detectable should such a thing happen again.

it's all peak eh

Thursday, 4 November 2010

One word...

I've only got one word to say people...


You may be inclined to tell me that Nigella Lawson is not one word, 
but a surname and first name that together form this ladies name.

Were you to say such a thing...

My response would simply be: 
"F*ck off, and stop showing your ugly jealousy"

Nigella lawson (or Kim Kardashian's birth mother as you may know her) is both inspirational and decidedly leng, a super MILF we'd love to see in a costume of some description... Gorgeous


Possibly the greatest (pop) song of the 80's, this is the 'default' song for me to sing (clumsily shout) when I'm inebriated to the point of 'Lick-orf' lol.

This song = EPIC


As you may or may not know...

Weezy is out!!

You heard it here (probably far from) first, Mr Carter has officially been released from 'Bing' over at Rikers.
I dunno 'what man did' as soon as he got released, 
but I assume it was probably what every 'badman' and 'G' does when they leave 'Pen'...

OMG Famalam... Let's go shopping!


Anyway, here's a bit of 'Weezy Season' for your perusal and educatainment (yes, I did make that word up):
Firstly, some new sh*t from Broken Equipment, (them dudes that made 'Dipset the Movie')...

them dude's have got jokes!

Anyway, you know what Wayne does, whether it's grease...

Or something with more insight...

Weezy is actually 'that guy' and it's good that he's back on road!

Next point of call should be for dude to

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Hangtite TFL...

The employee's over there are striking from tonight and throughout tomorrow.

Although they aren't able to give a full and comprehensive idea of how many service's will be disrupted, 
here is the information they did share online -

Tube strikes are BS, from time them lot are paid Noiicely - it's a 'BALE FACE' ting

I was considering getting up to BrainLokk MC's radio show, 
but West Ham to Harrow is peak at these times lol!

I will update with any more news as it comes in!

All Hail Bale (aka Excuse My Yiddish pt 3)...

All anti-Spurs talk will earn you a swift...


Excuse my Yiddish but... F*ck off, what can you lot tell us man!?!?


Ciao, Ola, Bonjour, Guttentag... Wa'gwaan!

I've been getting loads of 'global' hits recently which is really inspiring!

But still one small quandarie...
I mean I know you've visited...
"Hello Is that Montana!?... Erm... Yeah... your Mum init"

But other than that, I can say I personally find the whole of this ting decidedly ...

You don't follow or leave comments.

Although I am enamoured with the readership I have, 
I'm also (clearly) confused as to the nature of your advantages.

I won't get all weepy on you...


But at the same time I am right to demand you make an honest blogger out of me and give me some Feedback!

Anything else, I'll get back to you!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Lily Allen...

Our thoughts go out to you at this time.

It's hard enough being in the spotlight especially at a time 'such as this',
so I really hope that her request for privacy is granted at this time.

Cherish Life people

Today is a Good day!

I just got a call on the 'BizzyPhone'...

(not this one)

(the 'mobile' one)

and I will say nothing more than 
things are looking up!

You all look alike...


Internet on the tube from today!!


Alcohol 'more dangerous than Heroin'...

According to a report co-authored by former Govt Adviser Prof. David Nutt,
alcohol is more dangerous than (amongst other things)

Here is a little excerpt I took from online:


Wow... I shall say no more!

Swiss - Bad Boy's

I do try my best to be first 'inna this', so I sincerely hope nobody has beaten me to the punch on this one!

I'm sure 'this man' needs no introduction, but that is an assumption on my part, so if dunno the difference between a 'Swiss' and a 'Swiss-roll' I'll point you in this direction, so that you may get up to speed.

For everyone else, here is 'Bad boys' by Swiss...

The 1st Commercial single since 'Pain n Muziq' days, and what can I say other than
"Salute!" and "Welcome back Sir Swiss".

No need for my usual
Friends, Roadmans, Countrymen tagline
- you should already know what it is!

Marvin Henry Update...

As you may remember, In Tea and Biscuits part 3 I spoke at great length about the murder of Marvin Henry.
According to the BBC there has been a development in the case and a 21 yr old man has been charged with murder. It also states that the other 11 people that were arrested have been bailed until late November.

I have little knowledge regarding this case, but hope that justice is served quickly enough.

Once again, RIP Marvin Henry.


More from Will Kay and his OddKingdom brand!
This time it's his takes on a few UK Brands

Set to the sounds of 'Dot Rotten', this whole 'watch me work' style video,
is one of the things that sets Will ahead of the competition,
in terms of style and ingenuity ...


Big look, for both Will and the brands featured!

*Note: I will update this again tomorrow with more links etc*

Return Of The Rivz...

As the guy who deals with 'Challenging stereotypes and motivating to achieve'
(I don't 'just blog randomly')
it might not make sense to most that I'm promoting anything from
'Mr Headshot Season'.
That's OK though I'll explain...

Dude's Young, Gifted and Talented (not to mention local), furthermore him and Marger grind daily. They 'do this ting', I remember Margz from days at East Ham College, and truly I have to take my hat off. Within the time that myself and old-school Mic Partner Faze-E have stopped and started more time's than a bruck down mini-metro...
 Marger is currently CEO of Alien Musik and has definitely shaken his former 'background guy' status, he deserves it too! I remember him hi-jacking a College performance once, he literally stole the show. He's formed a strong squad with himself,  producer RudeKid and Rival being the most notable members
(not to mention the fact 'RAM' is soon 're-available for selection' TTKK)

Anyways, Rival does alot! 
He's an angry guy... the first time I heard dude use the phrase 'Come we go!'
it immediately conjured the image of...

What can I say!?
Alot actually, so I'll let this speak

Jus Rival, Jus Grimey, Jus Grinding

Return of the Rivz is out now!

Ultimately, neither Rival's content or persona is 'in line' with 'Challenging stereotypes and motivating to achieve' but his workrate and dexterity definitely are. I'm sure the day this young Mic Man truly gives you 'insight' it will be more than poignant. For the moment the passion and energy he brings will surely suffice! One of East London's Top Selected, from one of East London's hardest working camps.

Here's to hoping Alien Musik make money long enough to reach into space!
Friends, Roadmans, Countrymen! - I Give you 
Rival - Return Of The Rivz!!