Sunday, 31 October 2010

Au revoir Belle Amie...

The girls are gone! Won't say that much about it... What I will say is you lot are on twitter are darkside.

Hangtite everyone sniping at Katies 'appendage'!

Personally I never clocked but here's a photo-comparison...

Maybe it is true... I won't quote some of the slurs I've read (such as 'Aardvark gyal'), 
lets hope she can take it on the chin,
Enough of the jokes now though...

Anyways chin-up luvvy, you made it through alie!?
What more do you want!?!

All Apologies...

I really hope that you haven't noticed by now, but I am over opinionated.
Often without due justification
I can understand your shock! I was also shocked when I found out.
It's OK though! I'm not conceited, furthermore I'm adaptable.

I will soon be more than comfortable sitting in this Glass house..

and Only God knows when I'll stop throwing stones...

I mean why change the habit of a lifetime!? I'm good at it!!
I'm very conscious of the fact that for every criticism I throw, three may come back in return.
That's also OK, for I can catch too

More time, it might boil down to being a case of that whole 'Pot - Kettle - Ethnic' thing...
but whatever init!!

'Face bovvered'??
lemme check...

My face is actually not!
BizzyNESS as Usual!

It's not a Par...

Honestly, We actually like Cher Lloyd.

From the 1st auditions on Tv, we saw that she was clearly innovative and talented enough to build a career. Its probably more that we hate the X-Factor and its ability to make anything seemingly legitimate look like some contrived abomination. It's probably got a lot to do with the judges too..

Louis Walsh: I myself find you akin to some smiling 'groomer' for some Paedophile Ring. You make my skin crawl whilst watching the show, you more so than any factor are the reason this is the 'Cringe Factor'.

Cheryl Tweedy: Why does everybody look like you?? Joe McElderry does, Cher Llyod does!?!? Awoh di buckside (what the hell)!? Anyways, I don't rate you. I know baaaare dudes that would try take you Nando's, that's there ting init, I wouldn't offer you a chip luvvy. Give 'Ash' back his Surname already.

Dannii Minogue: Are you serious! What have you done!?! I won't pretend I dunno who you are - by virtue of the fact I never fancied Kylie, you're still aesthetically my favourite Minogue. But that doesn't make you current, hard working or relevant Luvvy. Gweh!! We don't really care about Kylie, this is the Grime Scene - there is only one 'Kylea', and he's 'Il Padrino' for this place.

Simon Cowell: However, is a next ting...

most MC's would pass on going up against Simon Cowell. I'm sure any verse spat by this man (whether Grime or Rap) would be FIIYAH...
Think about it! I reckon if anyone could get dude to do an F64 for SBTV (or is that an 'X64'?), i'm sure it would be differently epic.


"Don't pretend that your factors X
bye, bless! any next actor... NEXT
same ting! see chumps like u lot daily
cabaret singers will not make d grading
simon 3 stacks, i'm a millionaire
Don King inna dis music ting
nah, no rings or silly hair
make my money of singing yh
but i dont sing, naaah
i just par, n sit in chairs
thats pimp, thats gangster
u will get took for a burke, Alexandra
didn't sign tinie tempah, had a tantrum
then found Cher Lloyd, gangster!
better tell them urban kids
i'm there for that cash blad!"

Disclaimer: I don't think Simon Cowell can 'actually' spit bars, but it would be funny, no?

Stay with Me

this is "one of them ones"
The version of that song from last night that I grew up on!

Enjoy init!

Ooh Snap!?!?

As you may or may not be able to tell, I've been busy!!!
The funding application I had to deal with is now DONE!!!

Next on my agenda is:

**another 'Will Kay' post (he's always busy lol)

**Return of the Rivz is out today... I need to promote that (his music is negative, but he makes GRIME... good grime)

**I've gotta put up a few misc Xfactor posts

Basically, I've got about 4 or 5 blogs to give 'you people'

Uggh!!! 'llow me!!! All I can hear is Titch shouting



Friday, 29 October 2010

There's nothing worse...

Than someone entirely on some kinda

it's really hard to bear

Nothing is more grinding than somebody both attempting to surpass your 'ability to ignore'
and actively stealing something that should be everybodies, like oxygen.

Dem man are pisstakers...
don't let them steal from you.

And still, this harsh cacophony continues...

my greatest fear is that I may soon 

I beg for both guidance and patience during this testing time,
for being nice is a matter of both control and kindness.
Currently I feel both thing slipping from me,
Please forgive me should I emplode and

reduce the cacophony of sound to the haunting pleasure of silence.

please STFU now,
your disturbing my existence.


It's hard to block out all of the background noise and minor distractions whilst attempting to do what ever it is you feel you need to. I refer to all of these distractions as the


And frankly, whilst i'm tryna get alot of things of the ground I'm deaf to it all.


tries to par...
and it's Nuggets.
Schizo!! your disco,
Done it...


It must be something about McDonalds, this is definitely not the first clip i've seen of people flipping out, specifically about 'them thuur McNuggets'... 


My advice... 
If you get that excited about ur 'mackee-dees'... 
don't be listening to 'Gun Reload' on your way to the drive through, with your excitable self 

Thursday, 28 October 2010


Excuse me?!?!

DId Somebody just say PlayStation Phone!? As in PSP + Sony Ericsson + Mad Scientist flex = PlayStation Phone!?!?
Why does the phones date say February? Have they been holding out on us??
They did!?!?
Wait wait wait, wole on just a minute, because I do have to ask this again....
They are!?!?
Ok... that's that people... they are making a PlayStation Phone!!

I'm not going to say it again, even though I'm inclined to lol

Omfg are you mwwwad!?!?!

I know say enough of you must be setting the money aside all even now *_*

Tea and Biscuits Pt 3

I'm actually so sick and tired of the words 'Tea and Biscuits'. This is the 3rd time I've had to use the title and really and truly, as the words become more and more synonymous with bloodshed I can't help but think, 'llow me init, coffee and croissants instead'.
RIP Marvin Henry

News reports say that 17 yr old Marvin Henry was killed during a large fight (again I avoid the word Gang, because here pretty much everywhere is Gangland). We're obviously in need of some manner of change as reports say while the 10 male suspects arrested were of an age group between 14-18, the female they picked up was aged 21. I'm not gonna throw too many words around because frankly it's like 5:30 in the morning and I'm way too tired.

I will say this though, yet again I was supposed to hear Marvin Henry's name for something other than this, all of us were.
A girl they interviewed said that he spent all of his time 'spraying bars', 
and it's sad to think he could have been the greatest MC you'll never get to hear.
Another life wasted for no reason...


it's just as sad to see the racists and bigots jump up to say what they have to say about Black people and the social problems we have. I put up a link from the guardian as Msn news' report had so many racist comments underneath. I had to take a little screen pic so you can understand what I mean...


Rass, I said more than I thought I would, SNM

Time Becomes a Vortex...

When your busy grinding. Quite often I'll be writing lyrics late or blogging into the night

Thing is I ain't even done yet, I started writing lyrics as a distraction from writing the funding application I have to finish way too soon. I'll see what time it is officially when my clock stops spinning, but at this point it's either a strong espresso or sleep. It'll probably be the bed, as coffee at this hour is ungodly, but who knows eh!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

You people!!!

I don't like 'stability' per se. I loved working for my mum's youth project and Table Tennis coaching as a teen, but working didn't bring me happiness. The money was good and it was enlightening to work amongst people from outside of my own 'walk of life'. At the same time it quickly began to feel like some sort of guilded cage, the wages feeling increasingly like some contrived buy-out for my actual potential and less like payment for services rendered. I probably only worked as long as I did because temping made the boredom bearable. Nothing feels as 'epiphany forming' as some of the colleagues you may have out there in the administrative world.

All I saw was sad sights; a woman who at the age of 40 odd who is both beautiful and childless is a tragedy in my eyes, just as much as an 'old girl' from the age where you had one job for life trying to cling on to her employment. The amount of people my age who I met whilst working, who like me had ambitions and goals they had put on hold for the sake of stability.

I was really fortunate, I was dating a really ambitious girl at the same time my friend decided to go study medicine. That was the catalyst.

I decided there was NO WAY I was gonna work for somebody elses company, putting all of my energies into an organisation I had no vested interest in, ultimately to accumulate wages and spend them being adorned with 'the respected names of other people' and likewise pieces of respectable material possesions. Pass.

I don't have to make sense to you... Lord knows none of you people make sense to me.
I'm never fully content so I try to get more, I'm greedy, I haven't got a conceited sense of entitlement and it's not money I define success by.
I know myself, therefore I know I could be better at 'being me'. I'm only ever trying to out-do 'BizzyDot'.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Paranormal Activity too...

This is a video that I stumpled upon, inside the video section for
It's a wicked 'Halloween Prank'
Sick infact


Two words
"Aarrrrghhhh! Duppy!!!"

Really, I wish I'd've done this prank... but it's blesss init, I've got a camera phone and a mind most devious.
Somebodies gonna get pranked reeeal Baad!! *said in Russell Peters voice

If you happen to prank anyone this Halloween (and film it),
tell me and let me make it 'BizzyNESS as Usual!'

It's weird on the net...

Take it from me... consider it a case of 'WRW' (weird recognise weird). I'm an eccentric but the other people on the net make me seem a 'mere pedestrian'. Sometimes you encounter things that are strange on the net, but what I just encounter was a totally different kettle of peculiar.

I'm sitting there just thinking of what to write for my last post of the night, and this chat box comes onto my screen like a pop-up window.

The conversation I had was so diiiferent I had to share it with you, I tried to close the window but mysteriously, [x] wouldn't work... 



Monday, 25 October 2010

An Eritrean Songbird emerges...

In a time where the idea of being current and having 'arrd swagger' is so present across the board,

feels refreshing as an artist. She is very humble and somewhat shy, but proud and fiercely confident at the same time - the kind of Paradox that many an affluent artist typically has been.
She was born and mostly raised in Germany and moved here in order to make her way in the music industry.
I've always loved a handful of German artist (Guano Apes, Afrob and Samy Deluxe to name but a few) and can see where a lot of her influences are drawn from.

It's a song with depth lyrically and the video is built in a very 'fit to purpose' manner, sweet and 'lovey dovey' until it reaches it's tragic crescendo. 
I'm not going to say more that that - give the video a look yourself.

I love the 90's soul feel of this track, and it's good that the video is both professional and classy without 'blingy' imagery.

She grinds daily, so you will hear more from her!!

Grrr... I hate typo's!!

I absolutely hate the little grammar errors and typo's that I make!!

There, their, they're... I before E except after C... it's 'all intents and purposes', not 'all intensive purposes'... etc, etc, etc


I swear it's always something. I swear to you, if all the big problems you have and all the tiny lil niggle's that blight you could be embodied in one living person...

I'd give them a greeting like this!
Alas, you can't hit problems that aren't people ( violence doesn't solve much anyway), so it's much better to just sort your problems out logically.

Proof-Reading it is then... kmt

Another Legend Gone...

I just heard... 
RIP Gregory Isaacs

We've lost yet another legend. 
Reports say that he died in his London home, afer having suffered from Lung Cancer.
All of us real music fan's will miss you!

Monday Rant

It's sad to read 'was known to police' in the first line of any article regarding the murder of a child,
I must state clearly that we (that is, assuming I speak for 'all of us')
reject any such attempts to rubbish the life of this young man, or profit off of his death.

Once again 
RIP Samuel Adelagun

I don't hate Monday's.
I've already played 'Friday', by the Cure in the mix-bag of Grime, Hip Hop, Indie and punk music, that I often start the day by playing. It saddens me more to open the paper and find another article about the young man murdered just a stone's throw away from where I live.
It's obvious that society has a problem at the moment, but it's sadder to see the same semiotics and biased language yet again. Blame shirkers the lot of them. Throwing the word 'gang related' at such news exonerates neither reader nor society. Samuel Adelagun was a child.
Of course these 'children' are somehow accountable for their actions, but ultimately they do not bring guns in to the counrty or convert them. All of the 'products' they sell are sourced by 'external agencies', they're merely the impressionable 'bottom end of 'the layer cake'.
Teenage angst has always been a problem for practically every developed (or developing) society, the combination of this and socio-economic poverty form a volatile cocktail.
Many people have said England doesn't have ghetto's,
speaking in relative terms to the 3rd world (rather than between classes domestically).
Whilst the common concensus buried it's head in the sand, the 'Underclass' found ugly ways to try pull themselve's out of their 'synonymy' with poverty.

Anyways less talk more Music, alie?!

Hangtitght Kele - Big Mic Man!
I'm sure Nigeria are overly proud!!

Here are the Lyrics:
There was a sense of disappointment as we left the mall
All the young people looked the same
Wearing their masks of cool and disinterest
Commerce dressed up as rebellion
Because we are so handsome and we are so bored
So entertain us, tell me a joke
Make it long, make it last forever
Make it cruel just make me laugh
We can't be hurt
Drink to forget your blues on the weekend
Think about more things to buy
The TV taught me how to sulk and to love nothing
And how to grow my hair long
So why do you go picking fights that you will lose?
(When u have entertainment, when give you things to pass the time)
So why do you have to go thinking thoughts that are above you?
(You can be happy, just play dumb x2)
Well I was brave
And unique,
A snowflake
I could have been a hero
No-one can be trusted over the age of 14
Tattoo our arms
Converse shoes
But we still do it
We tell ourselves that we're different
I've gotten so good at lying to myself
All, all my pain and honour is used up
All my guns are rusted
So when are you going to realise those are not your wrongs to right
Have another line, have another drink
(Pop songs won’t change the government)
I am a martyr I just need a motive
I am a martyr I just need a cause
I'm a believer I just need to a moment
I'm a believer I just need a cause
We're finding it hard to break the mould
We are finding it so hard to be alone
We're finding it hard to have time by ourselves
We have nothing at all to say
There was a sense of disappointment as we sped away
All the teenagers looked the same

Stroke of genius...

This post isn't about the last Batman film to be released, although it was brilliant. It was such a great film mainly because Heath Ledger stole the show. The role of the Joker was played out with enough style and charisma to make him feel like an Anti-Hero...

"Why so serious!?!?"

Really good catchphrase eh. 
 Here's a simple answer to it though...

"why so serious!?!",
"because eventually people will have to take you seriously".

Giselle is very serious, Bailiff levels of serious. 
She is a versatile and driven Make-up artist with plans and structure to match. Her 'hustle' is both strong at grassroots level, and online. She is on both Facebook and Twitter so you can have a look at what she does, also her website is nigh on completion.

A major part of my respect for 'her grind' is built on her understanding of the build then diversify school of thought. Like Will Kay whom I wrote a previous piece on, Giselle has plans on more than just the prizes you'd immediately associate with her 'particular ballpark'. 
'Shugah' can sing some too... but that's a different blog post lol.
Just know this, even if...

 your eyes are shut to this portion of the Media/Art/Fashion world, it doesn't matter.
For the moment, Giselle can remain a 'TTKK thing'. 
Work rate and dexterity breed success. So it won't take her too long to be where she wants to be.
If you only know her name when it's unavoidable, so be it!

Friends, Roadman's, Countrymen,


Sunday, 24 October 2010

Farewell to an old friend...

I'm an old-timer (by virtue of comparison with those who undeniably young).
I was born in the 80's,
My mother was the vanguard of that 'Diana Ross season' ting (I will dash up a pic if necessary)
and I grew up watching Rosie and Jim and thundercat's (to name but a few TV shows).

As a child, I spent eons with my mum's tapes (doctored with tissue and tape, so they'd record) in the stereo, carefully recording songs I liked off the radio. By the time, I was 12 I'd meticulously constructed more compilations than I could possibly remember now.

Therefore it stands to reason that I feel saddened by the announcement that Sony will now discontinue production of this beautiful piece of technology. It's understandable that they'd choose to no longer make them, but at the same time anyone with any sense of respect will understand this sense of loss.
Sony Walkman, you nurture my love affair with music. 
To me you are what Cupid looks like.

You're a Hip Hop Legend like 2pac or Biggie, an International Megastar like Michael Jackson.

Goodbye, Sony Walkman!!

Happy Birthday...

To my cousin Dominique Toni Cottle!

it's a ting like... 

Deja Vu...

It's the sleepy hours of the morning, otherwise known as 'Gangster Hours" (ominously named, I know), and I'm still awake, kinda feels like..

 as in the actual sensation 'Deja-Vu' as opposed to the movie 'Deja-Vu', starring Denzel Washington. I'm not implying I either feel like Denzel Washington does in the film or real life, or that I resemble him in any way shape or form. I'm good looking, but girl's don't give me 'Denzel ratings'.

It's a good thing that they don't because, if they did right now I'd be with your sister. Yes I do mean...

your sister... regardless of who you are!
Her and a noice looking chunky bredrin, would be in nothing but underwear and weave-on's...

Wrestling in a blow-up paddling pool, filled with baby-oil.
And seeing as it's a BizzyNESS as usual ting, I'd have to be wearing a kufi...
like nas,
or this Nigerian Elder.

 I'd let it go on a little while before jumpping to intervene, and show them about.... 'Makin love, not war' ... ¬_¬

Truth be told, I'm quite a simpleton. Given grandeur and the accompanying finances, there's the danger I might squander them on...

 pretty trinkets, and shiny ornamentations. Looking like 'one of them geezers'.
I'm playing atill, truth is i'm humble, it's late and I jsut decided to give myself jokes with google imagesearch!
Furthermore, it seems, that I digress...

It's like waay to late/early, for me not to be in bed.
As usual i've been kept awake by the fact that my mind
is over-active and brimming with ideas, lyrics 
and all the other mental activity that keep's one such as myself awake.


Good Morning people!!
I'm going to sleeep!

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Tea and Biscuit's Pt 2

Okay, for a man who doesn't take back what he says, this is a retraction of sorts. Peak, eh!?
I just had to ask an MC I know, if he did anything but 'spit about guns he don't own, and therefore doesn't actually fire' in the last freestyle he asked me to watch. Frankly, f*ck off with that sh*t fam. I find it sheepish to perpetuate an image rather than innovate. All it shows is wasted potential; because I know that's not who he is, it's who he'd like to be in his wildest ill-conceived dreams.
My 'retraction' comes out of the fact that although roads has it's 'run of the mill Badboys', it has it's fare share of monster's too...

There are people with various types of guns 'in the bits', and furthermore they will and do use them. Of all the age groups or demographics associated with Gun Crime or even violent crime, the young one's are most at risk/volatile. Being that I grew up in the bits and have known people actively involved in 'road life' I have held a working gun, and I can tell there's something overwhelming about it.

Excuse the fact that I speak in riddles, but I'll never forget the voodoo that the thing held sitting in my hand. Maybe it was the impetuous nature of youth, but one things for sure, I heard it whisper "kill your enemies". I think that really helped me in who I am today, I wasn't impressed when the leng told me 'how good it was at murder'.

Last Night, two men in Balaclava's opened fire on a group of people (I hate the word gang, so I won't use it, it entirely fails to convey the idea of 'Gangland') and a 16 Year Old by the name of Samuel Adelagun died from a gun shot wound. I'm saddened, truth is I never knew who this young man was.
I do however know that his name was supposed to be for something better than this, frankly anyone proclaiming him their fallen soldier doesn't love this boy, and furthermore they'll remember him as a reminder of why war is ugly in years to come.

R.I.P. Samuel Adelagun

Hopefully this sad passing will act as catalyst to peace, rather than pre-cursor to more violence.

"Mummy... I think X-factor may be the Devil..."

Every week Louis Walsh lets slightly more of his dastardly plan slip to the world, last week he murdered the word 'Swagger'... what this week?
This week he describes the group dubbed 'Wand Erection' by the witty wife of my friend, (presumably because their target market is pre-teen females, cradle snatchers and of course... Dutty Paedo's) as being 'just like 5 Justin Bieber's on stage'.

Like "5 Justin Bierber's yh!?!?" 
Hangtight X-factor lolol you people are actually eevel!

and.. I'm sure I did just hear Dermot say something about Grime week. Please leave us alone, lolol pretty pretty please!
We don't want any trouble... but if you do that, I have it on good authority that the Grime Scene will send Tempa T to start parring judges.
...and Simon's the only one who could actually par back!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Retiring wallpaper

Ok, I've decided to retire my old wallpapers! 

I'm going to miss them... *sheds single solitary tear*

Excuse My Yiddish Part 2

Why is Rooney leaving? Why are Liverpool having such a horrid time?? The answer to these two questions, is one and the same...

Yiddish Voodoo!

For every bad thing you dare to utter about Tottenham Hotspur... BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR BELOVED TEAM!!
Last night things got really peak, but luckily we got Bale'd out. Unfortunate Liverpool have still switched hands to some next ownership, and things are just as bad with Man U's ownership structure, as it is apparently the Glazers that are to blame for the recent 'fallout', rather than Alex Ferguson's relationship *pause* with Wayne.

Just remember, nobody wants to be cursed. so before you jump up to chat sh*t about Tottenham. Hold your rahtid mouth!
Excuse my yiddish but... you can bitch all you want, we're not disappearing any time soon.
BizzyNESS as usual people!

How can she par!?!

Shout out to Grind Time, KOTD and Don't Flop - If you like battle rap you really should have a look. Personally, I'm just waiting for someone to set up the Grime Scene equivalent, because personally I would be there bodying Left, Right and rasswole centre!!

Anyways, this one is a rarity, Girl's going at it!!


This should be a lesson to you all, aesthetic style alone can't win you a clash! I know many love off Ami because she's well kept and skinny. Personally' I think she's way too anaemic, where as Young Gattas is Iron (see what I did there).
It's of no consequence that I also find Gattas more attractive, because she's actually better with bars. Now click the link and watch the girl duppy!!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Them man can wear masks, i'm on a cape ting!!

Your friendly neighbourhood Bizzy Dot here, about to sign off for the night. Truth be told, it can be tough being a Superhero.
Between roadside responsibilities, domestic duties and organisation of this blog, the project and the MASSIVE amount of graft I have to organise and put into place for music, I really am Bizzy. My Superhero hotline pops at the most inapproapriate of times.

It's all blessed though, being swept off my feet is all just part of how I fly into action lol!
BizzyNESS as Usual!!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

How can he par!?! pt 2

How can he par!?!?

As you may or may not know, alot is happening in the way of 'choopidness' in the Grime scene at the moment. This weekend has brought the culmination of more than a few 'inter-linked' beefs (some musical and some more 'curbside based'). Either way, I won't mention the artists involved, I'd rather they just made music. Certain parties involved are just Oxygen Thieves (to quote Russell Brand), where as the rest should really just be concentrating on making tunes as they are talented.


Eitherway, in light of the fact that Twitter is gassed right now, (and although I haven't checked the forums must be buzzing) I'm gonna throw some KOTD up! Everybody loves to hear a par!! :D

Monday, 18 October 2010

Boards don't hit back....

Everybody remembers the infamous "Boards don't hit back!" quote from Bruce Lee,
Martial Arts Legend and Grimce Scene pioneer. If you don't know the quote or even Bruce. Duppy your self immeadiately, like seriously. Go take your TV with you in the bath tub lol.

 Anyways, the part Brucie Bruce failed to mention was that where as "Boards don't hit back" "Speedbags Do, and probably will swing on you" given half the chance.
My yout's on a next hype, but the bag is on parring too!
You tell me what the motto of this story is lool

Sunday, 17 October 2010

SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY!!! 2010 CLUB TRACK produced by cmp and vocals by ...

Poison Pen Letter...

Bars for a track i've gotta go record asap (you know when you find old stuff on your hard-drive!?!?) anyways, without further adieu, Bang! here it is, no chorus, Hip Hop ting...

Dad is an addict, but this ain't the corner, made it middle of the road, refused to fall shorter.

Black magic, survivals a force of habit, swear down, i'm on the way up like attic,or chimney.

Simperly (simply) keep at it, keep moving, can't afford to fall static,white noise, traffic, you lot can jam, i've gotta have it.

We can all raise a toast, and get glasses clanging, when a sandwich is food, instead of a yout's sad wish, just another day of hunger pains away, from an unsang ditch, madness.

I'm told 'ignorance is bliss', that's not true, what if I told you, ignorance kills kids, R.I.P to baby P, it's crazy deep, Kids A to O probably died in 3rd world countries.

More than aid is owed for our luxuries, I can't be comfortable, if someone has to suffer me, analyse it properly, we 'the west' put the con in economy.

Here's the story of the world, the 1st claimed god, the 3rd they named dog, hence property to be fenced properly, with debt as lock and key.

Watch what's with out apology, Mona Lisa smile at this game of Monopoly, greed is the seed of authority, so such systems grow horribly. 

Fam i'll be anarchy til they drop bombs on me, monarchy? nah fam call none majesty. Not even Haile, though I rate him highly.

I'm part of a tapestry, that runs naturally from here and now, to the steps of the 1st.

Even though blessed is birth, this religion ting requires subscription, cos they know what god is worth, to be sold not told, revenue not redemption.

Dunno where we're heading, but as long as my head is, filled with knowledge, even if its against all odds, phil collins genesis, i'm repping it, i'm on it.

No drama no glory, til the day we can say, Sing! Sing!! Sing!!! and rejoice at our story.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

We never knew you well enough...

Tonight we all witnessed Louis Walsh murder the word 'Swagger' (otherwise known as swagga or swag) although this is 'Dry Snitching', I don't care. Frankly i'm a little hurt. You will be sorely missed, even though I always thought you were a Swag word lol.

Hopefully, Cher Lloyd doesn't manage to kill the 'art of rap'.

Today's to-do list...

Upload tracks to...
It's a necessary ting! I have too many roughly mixed down tracks on my hard-disk, not to put up the bit's and bob's i've got kicking aroud!!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Be strong people! BE STRONG!!!

You all become wary and hateful, mistrusting and cowardly as you step into the world and get your feelings hurt. If you shut down your world, and turn your backs on family and the people you know, only you will suffer. Be brave and live strong, your ego's strong enough to take a battering. Truss me!!

Yes you've got to be strong! Life is tough, but you can ask kids in the favela's, or the miners from Chile who were recently rescued - ALL OF US HUMAN BEINGS HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO BE TOUGHER THAN THE SITUATIONS THROWN AT US.

It's the reason that the human race literally walked from the continent labelled 'Africa' and populated the entire world. Technology and better living conditions make life easier than it historically has been. But if you were to 'talk to science' right now, it would tell you that you have an unbroken lineage tracing from this point in time, all the way back to 'Africa' and spanning not only hundreds of thousands of year, but so called ethnicities (depending on the colour of your skin). Scientific Fact

Be strong! People!! Demand that the world respects you!!!

Challenging Stereotypes and Motivating to Achieve...

As i'm sure you've guessed by now, I'm a man that's about progress, otherwise the content of my blog wouldn't read how it does. If you don't have a picture of the things I stand for, their is a saying 'A picture speaks a thousand words', so here's one I would like to let talk for a moment...


The website's still under construction, in need of tweaks here and there, and the project is still going through funding at the moment, but we are serious, organised, optimistic and motivated. So you will hear more about the Imhotep Foundation. If you would like to get involved in anyway shape or form, I can be contacted via, or you can find me on Twitter or Facebook.

Friday I´m In Love

 I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday I'm in love

I love Fridays!! who doesn't!?!? Anyway's today I'm not so sure what's on the agenda for 'BizzyNESS as Usual' but there is one thing I do know...

 This is how I look, Hello, Hi, Ciao Bello, Guttentag, Blessy!! I have to make my way to Canning Town on the asap in order to get the beard on this boat looking less Noah's Ark, because...

The 'Don't mess with the Zohan', 'Moses ting' look is not the ting, so I'm on the way to my barbers, right now lol


its tipo seeson right abowt now o_O

I swear it's so annoying when you feel that itch to blog or write lyrics when your tired. Usually I just record lyrics into my phone's voice recorder but it's not the same with writing for this blog, so...

  It's always alot, to read things back later and clock stupid little grammar mistake's and bad spelling. It's all part and parcel of the fact I blog most when I'm not on road or reading, writing or conducting other 'BizzyNESS as usual' I've never gotten out of the habit of tiring myself out til it's time to rest. I could easily say

my candle burns at both ends! It's not a complaint though.. the feeling of grinding at something until I'm tired validate's me. Exhaustion was always the first thing to scream my name triumphantly, nothing else can take that away, not a thousand fans, nor a million likes on facebook. I hear people talk about their haters like these people are the marker of their success. My meter will always be fatigue, if i'm tired, I know it's because I grind and know I need to do more and more.

I've got a Blog, Bars and (the closest thing I could manage to) a flow.

Friends, Roadmans, Countrymen this is:

How to Kill...
 One Bird...

 With Two Stones!!

Once again, for another day!! Gone, Goodnight, Ciao Bello...