Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Vim Diesel...

No, you didn't read the title incorrectly, that's what it says...

Furthermore, it's a fitting one; you think of Vin Diesel, and muscle is maybe the first thing that springs to mind eh. If so the analogy works, because the point I'm trying to make is Herda Vim is a big producer, his very name implies that if you haven't 'heard of him' something could be wrong with you.

Although he hasn't done 'the rounds' like some of the more established 'professional button pushers' the UK's scene has produced (i.e Davinche or Joker) he definitely has the innovation and clarity of vision.

July 3rd sees the release of his sophomore effort the "Not yet but soon" EP, and many are eagerly anticipating its arrival.

Although he's still at the 'them that knows knows' level of notoriety, this is the first step of many towards changing that.

Herda Vim?


Today has been a good day...

I'm progressing and I love that, nothing could knock me down from where I am now.
life is beautiful.

It took me so long to reach here, but I know I can't go back now and I wouldn't want to either.
I've finally come to terms with the pain I caused some of the people I care about most and although I can't take any of that back, I've come to terms with the sadness that ran through me then.

I understand it now, when I wasn't working hard to become the best me I could imagine, I was finding different ways to fill 'the gap' in me I felt. Had I known what I know now, I would've been doing my best to create a future for the person I never wanted to be too far from.

I didn't and I lost the balance from my life. That was then though.

For the time in 2 years I've felt like I deserve good things.

I'd like to say the old me is back but it isnt that...

This is the new me :P